Terraformed Economics

Four problems:

climate, sustainable energy, pension funds, arms race, income inequality, universal income.

easier to solve as one piece then to resolve separately.

show you. principle is need to be solved in an equilibrium. in one equation.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are a Consequence of a 12 Dimensional Universe

The source of dark matter and dark energy, part of the same phenomenon is evident when we use 12 dimensional space.

darkatter darknergy are sourced in phasing of fluctuations in dimension.

phased fluctuations of dimensions create 12 dimensional space. 6 dimensions are anti-dimensional. 6 are normative. 4 quadrants, 3 dimensions per quadrant. types of space are equal and opposite relativities.

plus, minus; normative, anti.

plus dimensional space relative to minus dimensional space (3 axis per quadrant) = 6 dimensions in normative space.
plus anti dimensional space relative to minus anti dimensional space (3 axis per quadrant) = 6 dimensions in anti-dimensional space.