Why is Dark Matter and Dark Energy So Prevalent

What do I mean by Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Equal and opposite fluctuations in dimension.

Fluctuations are precursor elements to particles.

There is is a high ratio of precursor elements to final producs, those dark mass and dark energy are more prevalent.

Hypothesis 1

how did this come out of not this

Hypothesis 2

When equal and opposite fluctuations phase, the negative change in dimension  is like a tiny black hole.  These tiny black holes accumulate. A stream of energy waves are emitted, such as  gamma rays?

The positive change in dimension creates space.

Hypothesis  3

When equal and opposite fluctuations phase, the negative change in dimension is no space. No space is no dimension relative to dimensions of space. As a position of no space interacts with other positions with no space, there is an accumulation of no dimensional anti-space. Anti-space is a negative change in the dimension of space and as it has no dimensionality it is the opposite of space; it’s a particle.

Here: I read this somewhere (NewScientist)

Even though gravity is pulling inward on space-time — the “fabric” of the cosmos — it keeps expanding outward faster and faster. To account for this, astrophysicists have proposed an invisible agent that counteracts gravity by pushing space-time apart. They call it dark energy. In the most widely accepted model of dark energy, it is a “cosmological constant”: an inherent property of space itself, which has “negative pressure” driving space apart. As space expands, more space is created, and with it, more dark energy. Based on the observed rate of expansion, scientists know that the sum of all the dark energy must make up more than 70 percent of the total contents of the universe. But no one knows how to look for it. The best researchers have been able to do in recent years is narrow in a bit on where dark energy might be hiding, which was the topic of a study released in August 2015.


Quantum Quandries Resolved by the Phased Fluctuation of Dimension

Fluctuation of Dimension is change in position.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Definition is a function of equal and opposite relativity;

Expansion of space and gravitational attraction is a function of the definition of Positive dimension relative to negative dimension.

The expansion of space accelerates because as space expands there is an increase in the potential for fluctuations of space to phase. Increased phasing of fluctuations creates more space which results in more phasing which results in more space.

Whatever phenomenon is responsible for dark energy, the expansion of space would have to allow for it to accelerate the expansion of space. I suggest that this phenomenon  would be the phasing of fluctuations of space.  And the more space expands the more phasing will occur.


Quantum Entanglement

Definition is equal and opposite relativity. Separating particles does not affect their mutual definition.

Double Slit

Definition allows for one particle to create an interference pattern because its definition creates an equal and opposite relativity.

Missing Antimatter

Antimatter is defined as potential. Equal and opposite relative definition defines 12 dimensions. Six of those dimensions are potential.


Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Generated by the Same Phenomenon

Let’s consider the possibility that the same phenomenon that is responsible for dark energy is responsible for dark matter. The phenomenon I am referring to is the change in the fluctuation in space.  Fluctuation of spaces, when phased, create an equal and opposite change in dimension.  Phasing creates a positive change in dimension and a negative change in dimension. The negative change in dimension has a gravitational component and creates the effect we recognize as dark matter. The positive change in dimension is the effect we recognize as dark energy.  So why do we have this expansion of the universe when there is a component with a gravitational increase and a component that is just as it creates a positive change in dimension pushing space outward? The reason why the gravitational component does not overcome the expansion of space is that the gravitational component does not interact, or interacts very weakly, with the positive change in the shape of space. The gravitational component  of the negative change in dimension does, however, interact with mass. The gravitational effect of the  negative change in dimension  which is a function of the phased fluctuation of dimension, interacts with existing mass.  The expansion of space is a function of the positive change in dimension which is also a function of the phased fluctuation of dimension. As space expands, the area of space in which fluctuations of space  occurs expands, thus more fluctuations of space phase, thus the expansion of space  accelerates.