A Decrease in the Potential of Spatial Dimensions Results in Knots

Knot Formation is an Increase in Entropy

Let me offer a solution to the Paradox of the First Moment

The decrease in potential energy of a stretched rubber band results in an increase in entropy and kinetic energy which is manifested as a knot in space.

How are the dimensions of space stretched? I am able to understand a question at a deeper level when I resolve a paradox. In this case, the paradox of the First Moment. In resolving this paradox, we can understand how the Big Bang would occur.

Definition is a function of equal and opposite relativity. Space has twelve dimensions. Three potential positive matter dimensions, three potential negative matter dimensions, three potential positive antimatter dimensions and three potential negative antimatter dimensions. I can graph that for you, if you like.

These dimensions are fluctuating in and out of relative definition. Which means in and out of equilibrium, in and out of potential; defined and expressed as positive and negative potential … fluctuating definitions interphase. When dimensions interphase, picture intertwining, the first moment of persistent dimensional change occurs for that unit of space, a unit of space being the wavelength equal to the amplitude. As areas develop, persistent, non-potential changes in spatial dimensions, the changes gravitate toward each other. Interphased fluctuations are dispersed, forming a network matrix of negative potential nodes; stretching and tugging on space. Picture the change in spatial dimension which is one area being stretched due to network attractor affects; picture dispersed areas tug on a central point. Stretching space. Space becomes entangled. Due to the the ongoing fluctuation of space, stretched space snaps back.

Lower Potential Energy, Increased Entropy

As space lurches in another direction, as stretched dimensions of space snap back, dimensions twist and turn, forming nodes.

What about the Paradox of the First Moment? The paradox of a first moment is that if a first moment did occur, why didn’t occur before then? And if it could occur then, why didn’t occur before that moment?

Resolving the paradox reveals a fundamental: The first moment had to have been sourced from an ongoing event that canceled itself out. An event that was ongoing, but did not persist. This ongoing event must have had the capability, the potential, of interacting with itself such that the ongoing event would persist.

The ongoing event is a fluctuation of space. A virtual fluctuation. When fluctuations interphase they persist. In multiple spatial dimensions. These fluctuations may then gravitate toward each other and eventually erupt in the Big Bang. …