testing what happened before the big bang

Test the following theory of what happened before the Big Bang.

Theory is that there are fluctuations in space. fluctuations cancel out.

Fluctuations can phase. Become persistent. Get all tangled up.

4.  Like your ear buds. Phasing is … random.  ?????

5. Tangled fluctuations gravitate to a central point.

How know? Test this by ph… fluctuations phasing .

Fluctuations phase, is a gravitational field.

Entropy: Tangle is entropy decrease. Is greater disorder.

One tangle relative to another creates energy differential.

Total E = 0. Tangle creates greater disorder.

11. As tangles gravitate toward each other, Energy differential decreases.

12. See Order … But the universe becomes more complex and within more complex. (?)

One complex  [component] of entropy decrease while another complex [component] of entropy increases.

14. Increase > Decrease in Entropy.

Phased fluctuations are random.

Energy differential is increase in gravitational attraction.

15 Test by electric meter. If create stable phased fluctuation. Then is plate differential. [pressure on plate? electrical field on plate?]

16 Use electromagnetic fields to increase phasing of fluctuation; pulsating electromagnetic fields.

17 phased fluctuations create change in gravitational waves.

use double slit to

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