Everything About Everything part 1.01: Anti-Dimensional Space is Entangled but Separate from Dimensional Space

Why is entropy so low at the beginning of the universe?

Once fluctuations of dimensional space interphase, normative dimensions of space are resultantly curved.
Phased fluctuations gravitate toward each other. Potential energy decreases. Order is increasing. Entropy is decreased in the dimensional spatial reference frame while anti-dimensional space is experiencing a decrease in entropy.

New phasing occurs. So total entropy change is zero.

Dark energy and dark mass in dimensional spatial reference frame, which is relative to anti-dark energy and anti-dark mass in the anti-dimensional reference frame, keep entropy at zero.

Time is recycled as entropy loops.

New phasing occurs which increases potential energy. And increases order.

From dimensional reference frame, entropy is increasing. In an anti-dimensional reference frame, entropy is decreasing. From our dimensional frame of reference it is increasing. But from an anti-dimensional frame of reference, it is decreasing.

Dimensional space defines anti-dimensional space. Phased fluctuations of dimensional space and phasing of anti-dimensional space are flip sides of the same coin. Potential energy also decreases in anti-dimensionl space. But because it is anti-dimensional, the gravitational effect in anti-dimensional space is anti-gravitational.
Gravity is conserved so entropy of anti-dimensional space, which is upside down, inside out, is increased. But is anti-entropy. So net entropy change is zero.

Let’s start at the beginning … the very, very beginning.
Non-equilibrium non-dimension is the potential for equilibrium of a dimensional reference space.:
Concomitantly, as a function of definition:
Non-equilibrium dimension defines the potential for non-equilibrium, non-dimension for equilibrium of a anti-dimensional reference space; a change in dimension in anti-dimensional space.

Change in normative dimensional space relative to change in anti-dimensional non-equilibrium space attracts;
is a decrease in potential equilibrium if they phase.

Energy comes from change in dimension from non-equilibrium dimension to equilibrium. When fluctuations phase, they become entangled. The gain in equilibrium is an increase in potential. It takes energy to create equilibrium. Equilibrium is lower entropy. When phased fluctuations untangle, there is a loss in equilibrium and a decrease in anti-potential.

Once phased, the separation between dimensional/anti-dimensional complexes define potential energy. Phased fluctuations form a complex which may gravitate toward each other, in the process of forming a singularity.

Does anti-dimensional space interact with dimensional space?
Non-equilibrium dimensional space cancels out non-equilibrium anti-dimensional space.
But, once phased, normative dimensional space and anti-dimensional space are bound and do not interact unless there is untangling. Known as beta decay. Beta decay is a kind of leaking of anti-dimensional space into dimensional space. There is an equal and opposite leak of dimensional space into anti-dimensional space. The leak of dimensional and anti-dimensional space is carried in the form of anti-matter and matter particles.

Phasing of non-equilibrium dimensions is a random event.

Entropy decrease in dimensional space is entropy increase in anti-dimensional space. Because anti-dimensional space is upside down and inside out, change in entropy is actually equal to zero.

Test by causing hydrogen gas to form from phased fluctuations of space.

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